CASE STUDY : NZ Frost Fans
Frost Protection Equipment
Metalform’s longest standing partnership involves equipment currently protecting a diverse range of crops on 6 continents – NZ Frost Fans.
From the bottom of the world, 2 companies shared the vision of taking a low-volume product to the international market through clever design and manufacturing refinement.
Frost fan technology has become the central element in most frost protection strategies. They use the warmer air in the inversion layer to protect a crop from frost damage.
After manufacturing thousands of these units, Metalform and NZ Frost Fans have grown together to adapt to the market pressures and inferior competitors. This meant Metalform had to quickly change materials to reduce cost and suit harsher chemicals used in this industry.
Metalform’s key requirement in this partnership is ensuring a smooth and constant supply chain to match the sales and seasonal demands.

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0508 747 040
P +64 6 374 7043
A 74 Miller Street, Dannevirke, 4930